No post for May. My originally scheduled free information session "Masturbation and Your Young Man with Autism" has been rescheduled for this August to allow more time for interested individuals to register. Please see below for the new details and I look forward to seeing you there!
Masturbation and Your Young Man with Autism
What is it?
This is a FREE one-hour event for parents of young men with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental diagnoses looking at addressing concerning behaviors associated with young men and masturbation during puberty.
Where are we meeting?
We will be meeting at 10400 Connecticut Ave., Ste. 200, in Kensington Maryland. Free parking is available in the parking lot next to the building. Parking is easiest to access if you are coming down Connecticut Avenue toward the District of Columbia.
Is there a fee?
What time are we meeting?
The discussion will be held on Saturday, August 11th at 12:30 P.M.
We will be meeting at 10400 Connecticut Ave., Ste. 200, in Kensington Maryland. Free parking is available in the parking lot next to the building. Parking is easiest to access if you are coming down Connecticut Avenue toward the District of Columbia.
Is there a fee?
There is no fee for this discussion, however space is limited so please register early to guarantee a space.
What will we talk about?
What is masturbation anyway? Why does my son masturbate?
How do I have a conversation with my son about safe and appropriate masturbation?
How do I teach healthy and safe boundaries around masturbation?
How can I manage my own worries around having this discussion?
What about my fears that he may get into serious trouble? What about safety?
How can I be supportive and nurturing of my son's behavior during this time?
What about PORNOGRAPHY?!
Who do I talk to if I want to register?
You can contact the presenter, Jonathan Rhoads*, directly at (301)-639-4036 or by email at to register.
*Jonathan Rhoads is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in children, adolescents, and young adults diagnoses with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental diagnoses. His areas of focus include building awareness and understanding of complex feelings and emotions, developing solutions to manage environmental stress, and addressing social anxiety issues around dating and relationships.
Great to know about this event. This post discusses all about the Male Masturbation and adult related thing.